My Picks of CES 2011

CES 2011 has come to an end with news of countless gizmos and gadgets coming out in the near future. So what excites me?

Google Android 3.0: Honeycomb

I never caught on with the tablet craze, even though at this year’s CES it seemed like every company was introducing their own version. What did caught my attention however was Google’s new Android 3.0 OS, named Honeycomb, for tablets which seems like the perfect blend of style and function. The video above may make me a tablet owner soon.

Razer Switchblade

The Razer Switchblade is an awesome concept of creating a portable PC gaming device by pairing two  7-inch multitouch displays with a layer of tactile, dynamic keys on the lower screen.  What is amazing is that the keyboard would enable gamers to place different screens underneath depending on the title and even within a game. Imagine the keys shifting instantly to fit the character you choose, with each skills and item appearing on their own individual key. Check out the video above to see the concept in action and pray that this goes commercial!

Motorola Atrix

The Motorola Atrix 4G is one of the many 4G smartphones introduced at CES. The Tegra 2-powered handset itself is powerful with its 4-inch QHD display, front-facing cam, and fingerprint reader. However, what makes it unique is its Webtop operating system and dock peripherals that turns it into a desktop, a laptop, or an entertainment system.  Although it is a bit choppy and underpowered to match today’s standard, it is a great concept of having a singular device (logically your phone is ideal) with all your programs and data linked to various peripherals to meet your needs. Check out the demonstration video below from phonedog.

Another great showcasing of technology at this year’s CES trade show. Looking forward to CES 2012!

CES 2011 has come to an end with news of countless gizmos and gadgets coming out in the near future.  So what excites me?

Android 3.0: Honeycomb

I never caught on with the tablets craze, even though at this year’s CES it seemed like every company was introducing their own version. What did caught my attention however is the new Android Honeycomb OS for tablets that seems like the perfect blend of style and function. The video above may make me a tablet owner soon.



The Razer Switchblade is an awesome concept of creating a portable PC gaming device by pairing two  7-inch multitouch displays as a layer of tactile, dynamic keys on the lower screen.  What is amazing is that the keyboard would enable gamers to place different screens underneath depending on title and even within a game. Imagine the keys shifting instantly to fit the skills and items of your various characters. Check out the video above to see the concept in action and hope that this goes commercial.


Motorola Atrix

The Motorola Atrix 4G is one of the many 4G smartphones introduced at CES. The Tegra 2-powered handset itself is incredible with its 4-inch QHD display, front-facing cam, and fingerprint reader. However, what makes it unique is its Webtop operating system and dock peripherals that turns it into a Desktop, a laptop, or an entertainment system.  Although it is a bit choppy and underpowered to match today’s standards, it is a great concept of having a singular device (logically your phone is ideal) with all your programs and data and linking it to peripherals to meet your needs. Check out the demonstration video below from phonedog.

Another great showcasing of technology at this year’s CES tradeshow. Looking forward to CES 2012 J

About MochiTech

Admit it. The internet is all about technology and cats. Follow this blogging adventure through the topics about video games, technology, and some random things that may or may not include cat videos.

Posted on January 13, 2011, in post and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I feel the same as you. A tablet isn’t for me but I must say that Google’s Android 3.0 OS looks nice. I purchased a ereader a few months ago and was told that it would support Google’s Android OS when it comes out, but that wasn’t the appeal. I just wanted an ereader. Google is doing it big if it actually works the way it does in the video.

  2. I agree that new android tablet is pretty cool, but man that Razer is awesome too. I am not much of a gamer at all, and probably would not buy a Razer, but I can see the appeal that it would have to people who are gamers.

    The Green Guerilla

  3. Yes, I am very drawn to the switchblade from a design standpoint for I don’t play PC games at all. The concept is simple yet so innovative. Being able to design and create these kind of electronic products is what made me consider being an engineer at first before deciding on marketing.

  4. Nice post. You should do more posts like this. Your opinion on news or events.

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